
JDA Companies

John D. Arwood heads up the team at JDA Companies. He is also President of Arwood Site Services, a nationwide site and demolition company headquatered in Jacksonville, FL and built a nationwide waste management and portable sanitation enterprise. Getting his start at a young age collecting, reusing, and recycling glass bottles, scrap metals and wood while working alongside his father, John Arwood learned the foundations that have led to over 30 years of success in the waste disposal and sanitation industry. Arwood has always been a forward thinker, an innovator, an entrepreneur who cares about the environment and the people around him.

About Us

Who We Are

John Arwood

— FOunder

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?
— George Bernard Shaw

Learn more about JDA Companies